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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.autos:93169 rec.autos.tech:48672 rec.autos.sport:25110 rec.autos.driving:14707 rec.autos.vw:10579 alt.autos.antique:2400 news.answers:4703
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!biosci!uwm.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!udel!intercon!psinntp!balltown!welty
- From: welty@cabot.balltown.cma.COM (richard welty)
- Newsgroups: rec.autos,rec.autos.tech,rec.autos.sport,rec.autos.driving,rec.autos.vw,alt.autos.antique,news.answers
- Subject: rec.autos: Welcome to to the new reader
- Keywords: Monthly Posting
- Message-ID: <1992Dec20.050004.28271@cabot.balltown.cma.COM>
- Date: 20 Dec 92 05:00:04 GMT
- Reply-To: welty@balltown.cma.com
- Followup-To: rec.autos
- Organization: New York State Institute for Sebastian Cabot Studies
- Lines: 261
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Archive-name: rec-autos/part1
- [most recent changes, 19 November 1992: description of alt.hotrod -- rpw]
- === Welcome to Rec.Autos.* ===
- This article is sent out automatically each month, and contains a general
- description of the purpose of each of the automotive newsgroups, and
- some suggested guidelines for discussions. The keywords `Monthly Posting'
- will always appear to make killing this article easy for users of
- newsreaders with kill facilities. This article is posted to all autos
- groups, but followups are directed only to rec.autos. If you don't
- understand what this means, ask your system administrator for help, or at
- least for copies of the newuser documentation. Failing that, please
- subscribe to the newsgroup news.announce.newusers and read the
- documentation provided there.
- Introduction to the Rec.Autos newsgroup hierarchy:
- rec.autos.tech
- is intended for technical discussions of automobiles, their design,
- construction, diagnosis, and service. Other discussions are largely
- inappropriate, especially For Sale ads.
- rec.autos.sport
- is intended for discussion of legal, organized competition involving
- automobiles. Technical discussions are appropriate insofar as they apply
- to competition vehicles. Discussion from either of two viewpoints,
- spectator and participant, is encouraged. Arguments about sports cars are
- largely inappropriate, as are most other discussions. For Sale ads are
- inappropriate unless they are for competition vehicles and/or equipment.
- Discussions of illegal events are marginal; one should probably avoid
- advocating breaking the law. (remember, the FBI reads Usenet!)
- rec.autos.driving
- is intended for discussions related to the driving of automobiles.
- Also, if you must discuss 55 vs. 65, or radar detectors, or <insert
- your pet driving peeve> boneheads, do it here.
- rec.autos.vw
- is intended for discussion of issues related to the use and ownership
- of automobiles manufactured by Volkswagen (this includes VWs, Audis,
- Seats, etc.) It was created on the grounds that the info-vw mailing
- list was very successful. It should not be presumed from the existence
- of this group that it is appropriate to create many groups to cover many
- different marques; groups specific to individual marques should only be
- created on demonstration of sufficient interest, via some avenue such as
- a mailing list.
- rec.audio.car
- is not properly part of the rec.autos.* hierarchy. it is, however,
- the correct place for discussion of automotive audio equipment, and
- so is mentioned here.
- alt.autos.antique
- is not part of the hierarchy, but of potential interest to the rec.autos
- reader; it is intended for the discussion of older cars (usually
- more than 25 years old, although this is not a hard-and-fast rule.)
- alt.hotrod
- is not part of the hierarchy, but also of potential interest to the
- rec.autos reader. it is gatewayed to the moderated hotrod mailing
- list, and is for serious discussion of modifying and developing
- performance vehicles.
- rec.autos
- is intended to capture discussion on all other automotive topics.
- Crossposting:
- Crossposting occurs when more than one newsgroup name is included on
- the Newsgroups: line in the article header; such articles will appear
- in all of the newsgroups listed.
- Crossposting is one of the most misunderstood and misused facilities on
- Usenet. You should only post to a group because you feel an article is
- appropriate; you should NEVER crosspost just to reach a particular
- audience. This distinction is subtle, but important. Radar Detector
- articles, for example, are more-or-less appropriate in rec.autos. They are
- almost never appropriate in sci.electronics or rec.ham-radio, and the fact
- that you might want to reach the audience in sci.electronics or
- rec.ham-radio is NOT adequate justification for posting to either group.
- Crossposting between any or all of the rec.autos.* groups is usually
- inappropriate; if you find yourself doing so, consider whether or not it is
- truly advisable, before sending your article. Consider setting Followup-To:
- to point to only one newsgroup if you feel you must crosspost.
- Crossposting between rec.autos.* and misc.consumers is chancy at best; in
- particular flame wars over the speed limit in the US and/or the use of
- radar detectors should NEVER be crossposted between any of these groups.
- Most readers of sci.electronics and rec.radio.* couldn't care less about
- the police radar and radar detector arguments that go on endlessly in
- rec.autos.
- It is an excellent idea to check the Newsgroups: and Followup-to: lines of
- articles before posting a followup. In particular, be wary of posting to
- misc.test, rec.arts.startrek.*, or talk.bizarre, or any combination of these
- three. The life you save may be your own.
- Distribution:
- There is a field in the header of any news article which allows you to
- (partially) control where the article goes; it is called the Distribution
- field. It may be very useful for many reasons; it should also serve
- as a reminder that news is a very large and widespread system.
- The distribution of rec.autos.* is fairly extensive. As of this writing,
- the Automotive newsgroups are known to reach most of Europe, Australia,
- New Zealand, and some locations in Japan. With this in mind, I offer the
- following hints about use of the Distribution: field in your article
- headers, and on article content.
- 1) Please take care not to send for-sale ads about clapped out Ford
- Mavericks in New Jersey to France or California; i doubt that anyone in
- either place will care, except for my girlfriend, who for some strange
- reason likes Mavericks (but only 4-door Mavericks, at that.)
- 2) When posting technical questions, please include the market for which
- your car was manufactured. For example, there are a number of differences
- between a European-market Ford Escort and a US-market Escort. Likewise,
- all 1750cc and early 2000cc Alfa Romeos reached the US with Spica Fuel
- injection; European market cars usually got carbs (often Webers). These
- differences can be important to your readers; make your situation clear.
- Failure to do so can lead to pointless flame wars and a significant
- spread of misinformation.
- 3) Be careful about your capacities and specifications when posting;
- in the US we get a mix of Metric and English system values, whereas
- Europe is almost entirely on the Metric system. A future edition
- of this monthly posting will contain a list of commonly-used
- abbreviations that may not be known in some places that rec.autos
- reaches; this cuts both ways so let us not be parochial about it.
- 4) Use the Distribution: field to limit where your article goes, when
- possible. Within North America, the values na (north america), can
- (canada), and usa may be used. in addition, the two-letter state
- abbreviations of the US are supported in some cases; e.g. if i wanted
- to send an article only to New York and New Jersey, i could put
- "ny,nj" in a Distribution field. note that multiple, comma-separated
- values are legal. these distribution fields vary widely, however, so
- you should check with your local sysadmin to find out what is likely
- to be supported in your area.
- The Dangers of Overgeneralization:
- To amplify a warning from the distribution section of this article:
- Be wary of making foolish assumptions about all cars, tires, etc. What is
- true for a 1973 Buick with a 455cid engine may be quite utterly wrong for a
- 1976 Honda with a 1200cc engine. Headlight laws in Sweden are decidedly
- different from those in Idaho.
- The Need for Adequate Specification:
- When you ask a question, please give a reasonable amount of information;
- e.g., if you have a question about your Honda, please specify year,
- model, engine size, etc. Otherwise, most answers to your question may be
- quite useless.
- Concerning Lemons:
- At one time or another, every auto manufacturer has manufactured a lemon or
- two; even Honda admits to this. Please don't waste everyone's time by
- announcing to the world that your `brand x' automobile is terrible, so all
- `brand x' automobiles are terrible, so no one should ever buy a car from
- the `brand x' company. Such articles are worse than useless, because they
- cause substantial wasted bandwidth while carrying little or no useful
- information.
- Concerning Flames:
- As much as we might wish it, a flame-free newsgroup is something that most
- likely will never occur. Here are some guidelines for flames and how
- to deal with them (a list of flame-prone topics follows in the next section
- of this posting):
- If you post something truly obnoxious and inflammatory, don't imagine for a
- minute that including the words `No Flames' will work. It won't, and
- you'll get exactly what you deserve.
- If you're going to flame, you're more likely to get away with it if you can
- cite a fact or maybe a well-known reference. No one is likely to believe
- bald, unsupported assertions.
- Be careful about who you choose to insult. Consider not insulting anyone.
- Asking the Question:
- It is a bad idea to post a question and end it with a phrase like `Please
- send email, I don't read this group'. It is a much better idea to
- end the question with `Please send email, if there is sufficient interest
- I'll summarize the results in a later posting. I may miss posted responses
- to this request'.
- Answering the Question:
- If someone wants to hop up their Yugo, don't tell them to get a Mustang.
- Either be silent, or give them useful advice. If someone wants advice on
- defending a speeding ticket, don't tell them to obey the law next time --
- it's offensive, presumes guilt which is not proven, and doesn't directly
- address the original question. In general, don't post in order to see
- your words in print, and don't post in order to enjoy feeling smug and
- self-righteous.
- Stale and/or Inflammatory Topics:
- Certain topics are considered stale by `old timers'; while discussion of
- them is certainly ok, and new, factual information is welcome, ravings
- about them are extremely tiresome, and may get the person who posts them
- ignored altogether. Some topics are naturally inflammatory; it is
- difficult if not impossible to have meaningful discussion of them. Some
- of these topics include the following:
- 1) the 55mph speed limit in the US: Pro and Con
- 2) discussions about the morality and legality of the sale and usage of
- radar detectors.
- 3) discussions over which radar detector is best.
- 4) discussions over what is a sports car (this is one reason why
- rec.autos.sport is not a `sports car' group -- everyone would argue
- about what constitutes a `sports car'.)
- 5) disputes over whether or not US Federal law protects the driver's
- right to own and operate a radar detector
- 6) `Buy American' discussions
- 7) `clever' bumper stickers and personalized license plates
- 8) <insert nationality here> cars are terrible
- 9) What kind of car did Maxwell Smart drive?
- [when I have a complete, accurate answer it will be added to the
- commonly-asked questions article which is also posted monthly.
- Until then, please don't waste bandwidth on this topic. -- rpw]
- Please direct comments and suggestions about this article to:
- welty@cabot.balltown.cma.com
- --
- richard welty 518-393-7228 welty@cabot.balltown.cma.com
- ``Nothing good has ever been reported about the full rotation of
- a race car about either its pitch or roll axis'' -- Carroll Smith